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The Origins of Totalitarianism 1: anti-Semitism
Totalitarianism What is. Whether it is why, and what happened how.
Part 1, "anti-Semitism", the second part of "imperialism", this book consisting Part 3 "totalitarianism" is, it is a masterpiece of modern politics that aims to answer this question.
Arendt was born as a Jewish child in Germany itself, the Nazis in 1933 will take the regime, France, it was forced to and subsequently to the United States exile.
Whether that madness Why happened. And, why could not anyone stop it.
Arendt of inquiry is, quietly, but proceed to be moved per magma deep underground.
After the Second World War, this book that has been so written in side dishes the time is, therefore, then, it has received often pointed out, such as there is an error in the recognition some historical facts.
However, this book rather than empirical history book, it's what should be called first-class philosophy book to gain insight into the human and social. Her philosophical insights to be found in such as "human condition" after is faster finalized at this time considerably.
Than to worry about the fine historical facts of error, Arendt had insight through the rise of totalitarianism, want to direct the eye what the society of the way for that will not be repeated this problem I think.
The contents of this book that overlapping theme over and over again in the long, it is not easy to present in the single muscle that easy to understand.
However, in the following, so that it can be speculated a structure that is as much as possible this book of the nucleus, we would like to introduce and explanation.
Because it is very long book, from Part 1 to Part 3, we will introduce and explanation in a separate page. (Because this document climax After all of Part 3, If you want to know is quick, I think if you read there only you.)
Part 1 anti-Semitism
1. Mood of anti-Semitism
Its origins to totalitarianism (Nazism and Stalinism) was the rise of the 20th century, Arendt first to start a discussion going back to the anti-Semitism that was serious in the 19th century Europe.
She first say in the following manner.
To understand the "mood" of anti-Semitism at that time, help the following insight that Tocqueville had said at the time of the French Revolution, and.
French people once, even while hating the aristocracy as oppressors, respect for they also had not a little.
Having said Somehow, noble because he was "ruling class" when.
But during the Revolution, the nobility lost its position as the ruler.
Even though, they are only "wealth" had still.
The people have hatred vigorously nobility, it was this point.
In habit that can not be governed, wealth only have. This thing, people we could not forgive.
"Unbearable felt the oppression itself, was not first in the exploitation itself. To the tantalizing anger of the people it than much, was the wealth that have no clear function."
It the same as this is, and I say to anti-Semitism of the 19th century.
So Arendt argue.
Jews, even losing its power, he wealth only had continue to have.
What it means.
Europe seventeen to nineteen century, absolute monarchy. In here, had played the role of monarch of the purse, it was a court Jews.
For example, bankers of the United Kingdom of Queen Elizabeth, was the Jews of Spanish descent.
However absolute monarchy, soon while themselves the foundation, will be to continue to migrate to the nation-state.
Nation-state is the foundation of the free economic activities of the people. All wealth gather in absolute monarch, and he no longer lost in despotism exploitation system.
When this happens, the Jews of wealth becomes no longer necessary.
"That only is not can become a basis of a general hatred because of the useless wealth, it is the could not become only the basis of a general contempt because of their obvious helplessness."
2. Rothschilds
The anti-Semitism, and one, that world domination conspiracy theory by the Jews, it was absurd mood is also haunted.
The symbolism is, it Rothschilds.
In the nation-state of the 19th century, to guarantee equal rights to all Western European Jews, Jewish liberation decree was issued one after another in each country.
This, however, from the Court Jew, but rather meant that the privilege until it is deprivation.
This release Ordinance, it is possible to give equal rights and citizenship in the country of the Jews, he Jews there is a possibility that shakes the foundation of businesses that have built internationally to it.
Rothschild was the court Jews, where leave to the following measures.
Themselves while serving in Hesse Elector, five sons also, by which makes served at the same time in Frankfurt, Paris, London, Naples Wien respectively, he was raised tailoring his sept to international conglomerates.
This has changed the entire Jewish community. International business that has been contracted in the entire traditional Jewish community, and he was supposed to be dominated by one family.
"True patronage banker of this time is a Rothschild, all the other things Rothschild representative, contact person, is was not only agent."
Delusion that the Jewish world domination by the Arendt see when due here.
"If you try to demonstrate the absurd notion of Jewish world domination, or would have obtained Where is dressed proof than those seen in the image of this family?"
3. The birth of the anti-Semitic political party
Signs of anti-Semitism took place in the early 19th century Prussia.
Prussia, after losing to Napoleon, the nation began to remodel into a nation-state. At that time the nobility lost their privileges, of the nobles had turned their hatred is, I was the Jews.
But anti-Semitism of the nobles was something transient. More importantly, it was a Jew hatred by then petit bourgeois who appeared in the nation-state (small shopkeepers, etc.) us.
As previously described, the nation-state is composed of free economic activity of citizens. It 's Bank of petit bourgeois they rely. And the bank, it had been dominated by Jews.
In addition, the Jewish bankers, was associated with an absolute monarchy of the setting sun. And the nation, it does not attempt to aid their petit bourgeois even a little.
"That it is exasperation of small citizen class against the bankers can understand, it looked as if they are joined one to economically dependent to state apparatus that is not helped at the same time also at all they no longer bank capital are the first time that there is a, this outrage has become explosive political factor. "
In this way, I would be anti-Semitism party appeared to Prussia.
This anti-Semitism political parties, there was a striking feature. It is because it listed the "anti-Semitism", he was charged with ultra-national trend.
Jews all over the world. Thus, "anti-Semitism" also become ultra-national.
If you contrast the "old party system, probably the most essential differences that anti-Semitism parties have, all of the anti-Semitic population of these parties from the beginning of Europe in one of the super-national organization It was in place and that has begun to be mobilized. "
This anti-Semitism political party, it is possible to see the sprouting of "super-national" movement serving totalitarianism. Arendt argue so.
4. Dreyfus Affair
19 century, incident that anti-Semitism became visible as a large historical flow, but Dreyfus Affair.
"1894 year-end, the French Jewish staff officer Alfred Dreyfus is accused of spying for the German Reich in a military court, was sentenced to life in exile to the devil island. Decision is made unanimously, hearing It was held in private. "
Dreyfus has had pleaded not guilty from the beginning, was never convicted overturned. (After that incident it was found that was a hoax, finally it will be to win the innocence 1906.)
There was behind the incident, was very Jewish hatred.
France at the time, I had done the construction of the Panama Canal. It was a require significant investment, but already business this time was bankrupt.
But the Panama Canal digging company, to hide the fact that the public, were bonds issued in the acquisition of parliament.
It was unheard of acquisition incident. It is a Panama scandal incident.
"Panama scandal incident, it was clarified that the two in first, that the internal among the members and the state bureaucracy of the third Republic has become a merchant and the second, private business -.. In this case Panama Canal company - and it is mediation between the national mechanism has been carried out at the hands of the Jews to an extent almost say the exclusive ".
Many investment banks go bankrupt, people lost their savings.
They have hatred, it was Jewish financiers who centered the aforementioned Rothschilds.
And it showed up this time is, it is mob (the masses).
"Mob is every class dropouts
It consists of. It is included every class of society Some of the mob. [Snip] mob hated and society that shut out their own, the Congress that he is not representative. "
Furthermore brunt of the anger, will be directed to the course the Jews.
In this way, the piece of anti-Semitism was finalized. Let us organize below.
① in the flow from the absolute monarchy to the nation-state, contemptuous hatred of Jews who also had only wealth losing its national importance.
② delusion that Jewish world domination by the Rothschilds.
③ of petit bourgeois who, hatred of Jewish bankers.
④ of mob us, hatred of wealthy Jews.
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